
Matt .

  • Lead Therapist

Meet Our Team:

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How we got Started

Back in 2010, Ashley Liles founded Message by Bodywork with the goal of showing clients the possibilities of bodywork and what it could for them! Over the years, Ashley has developed an extensive pedigree working with professional athletes in addition to home office clients. In 2015, Matt came aboard to continue the mission of showing how bodywork is so much more than a luxury spa service. Nearly 15 years strong, Message By Bodywork is a place where comprehensive care and compassion converge to provide the most benefical experience possible!

Why We Care

At Message By Bodywork, your well-being is at the heart of everything we do. We're not just about services; we're about creating lasting relationships and personalized healing experiences.

Let's Start Your Wellness Journey

We're here to listen and help

Embark on a path to pain relief and increased quality of life by using our convenient online booking page to schedule your appointment. For more information or specific queries, our contact page is just a click away. Alternatively, feel free to fill out the contact form below, and let us start the conversation that leads to your wellness.